
Biography of Hazrat Fatima Masooma (sa)

By Sheikh Ghulam Mehdi Hakimi | Date : Tuesday 11 Jun 2024 PDF | English | Urdu

Martyrdom of Fatima Zehra (sa)
Shrine at Qum, Iran
Imam al-Kazim (A.S)
Najma Khatoon (S.A)
1st Zilqad
Place of Birth
10th Rabi-us-Sani
28 Years
Place of Burial

The Birth of Hazrat Fatima Masooma (sa)

The present composition is being issued in commemoration of the auspicious birth of Hazrat Fatima Masooma (sa), and in our neighboring country Iran, where the sacred shrine of Hazrat Masooma (sa) in Qom is also situated, this day is celebrated as 'Daughter's Day,' marking it as a global day for daughters. Parents buy various gifts and treats for their daughters on this day, schools hold celebrations, and an atmosphere of joy and festivity is evident everywhere, if this tradition is adopted in our homes and families, it would be the finest expression of respect for family ties and our Islamic values associated with it. Therefore, today, after presenting a brief introduction of Hazrat Masooma (sa), we will shed light on the importance of daughters in pre-Islamic and Islamic contexts while keeping her personality in perspective. InshaAllah.

Basic History of Hazrat Masooma (sa)

The honorable name of Hazrat Masooma (sa) was Fatima, while she was commonly known by the titles Masooma and Kareema Ahlulbayt. Her esteemed father was Imam Musa Kazim (as), and her mother was Najma Khatoon (sa). She was born approximately on the 1st of Dhul Qa'dah, 173 AH, in the city of Madina, and she also visited the holy city of Qom on the 23rd of Rabi al-Awwal, 201 AH. She passed away at the age of 28, just 17 days after her arrival in Qom .

Importance attributed to daughters in Islam

In the pre-Islamic era of ignorance, not only was there no importance attributed to daughters, but their birth was considered a disgrace in society, as described in the Quran:

Wa 'idha bushshira 'ahaduhum bil-unthā żalla wajhuhu muswaddān wa huwa każīmun yatawārā mina al-qawmi min suwi mā bushshira bihi 'a yumsikuhu 'alá huwwin 'am yadussuhu fī at-turābi 'alā sāa mā yaḥkumūn. And when one of them is given the good news of the birth of a daughter, his face becomes darkened, and he suppresses his anger. He hides himself from the people because of the evil of that which he has been informed. Shall he keep her with dishonor or bury her beneath the dust? How evil is their judgment !

Then, due to Arab prejudice, ignorance, and fear of society's taunts and mockery, they used to bury their daughters alive, a practice for which they will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment.

Wa 'idhā al-maw'udatu su'ila bi-ayyi dhambin qutilat. When it is asked about what sin were these innocent girls killed ?!

In such circumstances, Islam, which has bestowed mercy upon daughters, should not be a cause for shame but rather a source of happiness and joy. We should look at the personality of Hazrat Masooma (sa), who may not have been present in this world yet, but the glad tidings of her arrival are being given by the Imams of the Ahlulbayt, which is evidence of the exalted status of this daughter. Therefore, Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (as) said:

Inna lillahi ḥaraman wa huwa Makkatu wa li-rasoolihi ḥaraman wa huwa al-Madinatu wa li-amiri al-mu'minina ḥaraman wa huwa al-Kufatu wa lana ḥaraman wa huwa Qummu wa satusdafanu fīhi imra'atun min wuldiī tasammā Fatimata man zāraha wajabat lahul Jannah. Qāla ar-rāwī wa kāna hādha al-kalāmu minhu qabla an yūlad al-Kāzimu (‘as). "Allah has a sanctuary, which is the revered city of Mecca. The sanctuary of the Messenger of Allah (saww) is Madina. The sanctuary of the Commander of the Faithful Ali (as) is Najaf Ashraf. And our sanctuary will be Qom, where one of my daughters will be buried, named Fatima. Whoever visits her, Paradise becomes obligatory for him." The narrator says that Imam Ali (as) uttered these words before the birth of Imam Kazim (as), who is the revered father of Lady Masooma (sa), and he had not yet been born .

If we ponder upon this narration, on one hand, it serves as evidence of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq's (as) knowledge of the unseen, indicating that Imam Kazim (as) had not yet come into the world, but alongside describing the personality and greatness of his daughter, it also predetermined the place of her burial and the reward for visiting her. Someone might argue that it is possible for this woman to come into the world later. They may not possess the kind of character and stature Imam Sadiq (as) is describing, but time has proven that his words are true. This is the truthful tongue of the progeny of Muhammad (saww), from which nothing but truth is expressed, as every word has been proven correct. For when Lady Masooma (sa) came into the world, she gained such eminence even in her childhood that her father, Imam Kazim (as), is being praised for her greatness and scholarly position. History bears witness to this.

Knowledge of Hazat Masooma Qum (sa)

The Shia scholar of the 9th century, Sheikh al-Din Salih bin Arandas Heli, narrates that one day, a group of Shia arrived in Madina with the intention of meeting Imam Hazrat Musa bin Ja'far (as). They had brought along with them some religious questions. However, upon reaching Madina, they found out that Imam Kazim (as) was on a journey. At that time, Lady Masooma (sa) answered all their religious questions. When the caravan left Madina, they met the Imam (as) on the way. When the people recounted the story of their questions, the Imam (as) looked at them with appreciation and then, expressing great happiness, he said three times: "May her father be sacrificed for her ."

Consider this: Imam Kazim's (as) martyrdom occurred in the year 183 AH in the prison of Harun, while Lady Masooma (sa) was born in the year 173 AH. And now, if we subtract at least four years from the period of Imam Kazim's (as) imprisonment, it means Lady Masooma (sa) lived only for six years alongside her esteemed father. From this, it becomes evident that at the time of the mentioned incident, Lady Masooma's (sa) blessed age was only six years, and she had reached such a level of knowledge that Imam Masooma (sa) was sacrificing himself for her, causing the involuntary utterance of "SubhanAllah" from the tongue!

Yes, indeed! Islam has elevated the status of the daughter who was considered a disgrace, and exemplary daughters like Lady Masooma (sa) have debunked and invalidated the mindset of the pre-Islamic era, establishing themselves as worthy contenders in the field of knowledge and action, earning admiration from all scholars of Islam. This is the proof of Islam's commitment to women's rights. Today, those who chant slogans for women's rights, desiring to fulfill their despicable agendas, which tantamount to denying natural inclinations and realities, want to strip women from the sanctity of their homes and subject them to the control of men.

While Islam, fourteen centuries ago, acknowledged the biological and natural differences between women and men, it did not proclaim equality in that regard, as it would contradict reality and nature. Instead, it elevated women to a spiritually equal status and position alongside men.

Man 'amala ṣāliḥan min dhakarin aw 'unthā fa-huwa mu'min. Whoever performs righteous deeds, whether they are male or female, they are believers.

Which is not only in accordance with nature but also a means to elevate women. It is hoped that our women, along with studying Islam, will also consider its beautiful and natural accomplishments. So instead of falling into the trap of Western condemnation, they will develop confidence and belief in the moderation of Islam. Thus, they will be prepared to accept its commands wholeheartedly. InshaAllah.

Lastly, I pray to Allah Almighty that He makes our women and daughters a source of pride for us by instilling modesty and chastity in them.


1 Safinah al-Bihar, Sheikh Abbas Qumi, Jild 7, Safha 124
2 Surah An-Nahl, verses 58 and 59
3 Surah Al-Takwir, verses 8 and 9
4 Mustadrak al-Wasail, jild 1, safha 57, hawala 12196
5 Karima Ahl-e-Bait (as), safha 64 aur 63

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